At Yoga Therapy Center, we are a lovely team of therapists offering you services in English, German, Turkish and Norwegian on one-to-one sessions in the UK, Germany and Norway or online sessions worldwide.

about us

Özlem Çetin, PhD is the founder and director of the Yoga Therapy Center in the UK. She trained as a yoga teacher in Thailand and then studied yoga therapy in Chennai, India by the Krishnamacharya tradition. She completed her final project on “the benefits of yoga therapy for trauma” and researched intensively on the subject of trauma. Then she completed her PhD in yoga therapy to gain more knowledge about this subject. She also trained as a personal development coach, NLP practitioner, hypnosis practitioner, Psych-K and reiki practitioner in London. She trained on shamanic practices in Iquitos, Peru by the Amazonian shamans and on inherited and childhood trauma in Denmark by Mark Wolynn. She lives in the UK and work as a yoga therapist providing one-to-one sessions in the UK and online sessions worldwide and provides trainings and private therapies in English and Turkish.

about us

Michel Schwarzkoph is yoga therapist and a long-term student of the traditional family lineage of the legendary yogi T. Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar. Also, he’s been a student and friend of the inspiring American Yoga teacher Chris Chavez. He completed his yoga teacher and yoga therapy trainings in Chennai, India.
In the healing practice of yoga with Michel you will rediscover and experience yourself while focusing on familiar and unknown yoga postures and ancient techniques of yoga wisdom. It’s all about you, your body, your breath, and beyond.

Your practice with Michel is simple but effective and adaptive to your needs and ambition. He offers his therapies in English and German with one-to-one sessions in Germany and online worldwide.

about us

Gry Jebsen is a yoga teacher and yoga therapist trained in Chennai, India by the Krishnamacharya tradition. Gry will be offering you a healing and transforming yoga therapy sessions personalized specifically for you and your needs. She is great combining traditional ancient teachings of yoga in a way that will heal you as a whole person in a very gentle yet powerful way. She offers her therapy sessions in English and Norwegian with one-to-one sessions in Norway and online worldwide.