Mind and body connection is the heart of yoga. When we lose this connection, we lose the ability to manage our thoughts and actions. We then find ourselves doing the things we actually don’t want to do such as overeating or BED (binge eating disorder)!

Yoga therapy helps us to get back this connection so we can be in control of what we want and do. Late studies suggested that health problems such as obesity can be result of past traumas and emotional imbalances.

Our eating habit is not merely a conscious choice but also our response to unresolved traumas and emotional distress. That’s why many people find it incredibly hard to manage their weight. These traumas are somatic and they are stored in our bodies. Yoga is the best long-term technique to manage trauma in a very healthy way according to the last research of trauma specialist, Dr Bassel Van Der Kolk.

Yoga therapy helps us by creating a healthy mind, body and emotional connection. It helps treating trauma in a somatic way and gain emotional balance within the mind and body, These are the main issues to work on to obtain healthy weight management.
We create a personalised practice depending on your needs, your abilities and goals, implementation of lifestyle changes and diet will make your weight management journey easy and permanent.