Dr Bassel Van Der Kolk, psychiatrist, best-selling author, medical director at the Trauma Center in Boston, says that “Our studies show that yoga is equally as beneficial- or more beneficial- than the best possible medications in alleviating traumatic stress symptoms. In the studies we did involving neuroimaging of the brain before and after regular yoga practice, we were able to show that the areas of the brain involving self-awareness get activated by doing yoga, and those are the areas that get locked out by trauma and that are needed in order to heal it.

Research on epigenetics suggested that our past traumas are not just stored in our brain but also in our somatic memory, In other words, in our body's cells as an imprint of past traumas. It is generally stored along the spine, abdomen, chest, neck, shoulders and hips. This is why yoga therapy is a perfect solution as it targets the whole body in a gentle yet powerful way.

You are not required or need any previous experience in yoga or meditation to be able to practice and benefit from yoga therapy.

Contact the Yoga therapy Center today and plan your own personalised practice to achieve your goals in the most effective way possible.